The European Union at the Crossroads: Problems in Implementing the Single Market Project

Price: £19.95
Authors: Paul Furlong & Andrew Cox
Format: Paperback
No. Pages: 227
Published: May 1995
ISBN: 1-873439-16-4

This edited volume presents an overview of the issues which face the EC after the Maastricht Agreement and the Single Market Project. Two general chapters on the politics and economics of 1992 and Maastricht are followed by four chapters analysing the impact of Maastricht on Germany, France, Italy and the UK.

This is followed by detailed chapters assessing the success or failure of policy in industry, foreign policy, the environment, finance, competition, and public procurement. The general argument of each of these chapters is that there are still significant constraints and problems to be overcome before either a Single Market or further progress to political union can be achieved. A final chapter assesses the relative scope for widening or deepening in the future.