Value Sourcing: From Spend Management to Supply Management

Price: $9.99
Author: Andrew Cox & Paul Ireland
Format: Kindle E-Book
No. Pages: 66 (approx print length)
Published: 1 July 2015
ISBN: 978-1-873439-57-9

This e-book explains the sub-optimality in sourcing performance that arises from the adoption of a traditional approach, based on identifying 'categories of spend' for cost reduction, and then identifying sourcing strategies and tactics.

Having outlined the main weaknesses in the traditional approach this is then compared with a new approach to category management and strategic sourcing known as Value Sourcing.

This focuses on improving value for money from the sourcing of 'categories of supply' (not 'categories of spend'), and it uses Power Positioning and Sourcing Portfolio Analysis as its key methodological tools to identify appropriate sourcing strategies and tactics.


Introduction: A New Approach to External Sourcing & Category Management
1. A Critique of Spend Management Approaches to Sourcing
2. Supply Management & Value Sourcing

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